GPA Requirements
At LaGuardia, a 2.00 GPA (C average) is required for graduation, as well as passing the required basic skills tests and major requirements. A graduate whose cumulative GPA is between 3.50 and 3.89 shall be graduated with honors. The term “with honors” will be inscribed on the student’s diploma and noted on the transcript and the commencement booklet. A graduate whose cumulative GPA is 3.90 or better shall be graduated with high honors. The term “with high honors” will be inscribed on the student’s diploma and noted on the transcript and the commencement booklet. Students can review their progress towards graduation anytime at DegreeWorks. All students must register for “Intent to Graduate” in order to have their records reviewed. This should be done when they register for their final 12-week session. Students wishing to appeal graduation requirements may submit a written appeal to the Academic Standing Committee. The decision of the committee is final. Upon graduation a student’s record is frozen. No changes can be made to the record.
Note: If the Registrar’s Office determines that you have met the requirements for graduation, you may not continue taking courses at LaGuardia unless you have filed a second degree, certificate or a non-degree application.