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Division of Academic Affairs

The Center for Teaching and Learning

The LaGuardia Center for Teaching and Learning offers faculty- led programs designed to advance innovative teaching and to enrich student learning. Founded in Fall 2001 as a center for professional collaboration, reflection, and exchange, the Center draws upon the expertise of the entire College to help better serve students. The principles of effective practice developed by the Center guide its work with faculty. From issues of interdisciplinary literacy to strategies for addressing the rich and growing diversity of our student community to the questions raised by new educational technologies, the Center helps the College face exciting educational challenges and opportunities.

LaGuardia and Wagner Archives, E238

The LaGuardia and Wagner Archives was established in 1982 to collect, preserve, and make available materials on the social and political history of twentieth-century New York City, with an emphasis on New York City government and the borough of Queens. This growing repository houses the personal papers of Mayors Fiorello H. LaGuardia, Robert F. Wagner, Abraham D. Beame, and Edward I. Koch; the records of the Council of the City of New York, the New York City Housing Authority, and the piano company Steinway & Sons, as well as a Queens History Collection. The Archives also maintains exhibitions on the history of New York City, mounted throughout the College.

     The mission of the Archives is to serve as a research center for LaGuardia faculty and students in addition to scholars, journalists, and policy makers interested in the history of the city. The staff produces exhibitions and publications designed to reach people who rarely visit museums, libraries or archives. In these ways, the Archives reflects Fiorello H. LaGuardia’s own commitment to serving all the people of New York and his vision of a government responsive and accessible to the citizenry.