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A. Admonition

An oral statement to the offender that they have violated University rules.

B. Warning

Notice to the offender, orally or in writing, that continuation or repetition of the wrongful conduct, within a period of time stated in the warning, may cause far more severe disciplinary action.

C. Censure

Written reprimand for violation of specified rule, including the possibility of more severe disciplinary sanction in the event of conviction for the violation of any University regulation within a period stated in the letter of reprimand.

D. Disciplinary Probation

Exclusion from participation in privileges or extracurricular University activities as set forth in the notice of disciplinary probation for a specified period of time.

E. Restitution

Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages.

F. Suspension

Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forth in the notice of suspension for a definite period of time.

G. Expulsion

Termination of student status for an indefinite period. The conditions of readmission, if any is permitted, shall be stated in the order of expulsion.

H. Complaint to Civil Authorities

I. Ejection

A true copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York on June 23, 1969, as amended on October 27, 1980, May 22,

1989, and June 25,1990.