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Independent and Individualized Study Courses

The college offers students, on a limited basis, the opportunity to pursue independent study and individualized study courses. This format is designed for the student who is self-motivated, self- disciplined, and capable of doing advanced work.

Independent Study

Allows a student to pursue an area of study not covered in the college’s course offerings.

Individualized Study

Allows a student to pursue a course offered by the college on an individualized basis.

To pursue independent/individualized study, the student must:

  1. Have successfully completed 36 credits.

  2. Meet any additional requirements set by the specific department.

  3. Secure agreement from a fulltime faculty member to act as his/her supervisor.

  4. Obtain permission from the chairperson of the appropriate academic department. The permission form, available in C107, must be completed by the faculty supervisor and the appropriate chairperson. The completed permission form must indicate the number of credits to be earned.

  5. Develop a formal learning contract with the faculty supervisor, who then submits this along with the permission form to the Office of Academic Affairs, M400 for final approval:

    For an Independent Study: a full description of the project and its specific goals, as well as a preliminary bibliography, and an account of the means of evaluation (papers, exams, etc.).

    For an Individualized Course: the course syllabus, including the means of evaluation.

  6. Determine, with the instructor, the dates for future meetings. A minimum of 7 hours and a maximum of 10 hours must be spent in discussing coursework during pre-determined sessions with the instructor.

  7. Meet with the instructor as agreed upon, complete all requirements as stated in the contract and fulfill all course requirements in order to receive a passing grade.

The signed contract and the signed permission form from Academic Affairs, must be submitted to C107 by the instructor by the last day to add a class in each session.

A student may take a combined maximum of 6 credits of independent study and/or individualized study and may not take more than 3 credits of independent or individualized study per session.

Note: A request for waiver may be made to the Office of Academic Affairs, M400.

Independent study credits will appear on the student’s transcript as IND198 - Liberal Arts Independent Study or IND199 - Non- Liberal Arts Independent Study. Independent Study credits may transfer as elective credits, depending on the receiving institution.

Individualized courses are recorded and appear on the transcript as the course that they are fulfilling, and are not exemptions for courses, as defined on page 11.