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Graduation Requirements

At LaGuardia, a 2.00 GPA (C average) is required for graduation, as well as passing the required basic skills tests and major requirements. A graduate whose cumulative GPA is between 3.50 and 3.89 shall be graduated with honors. The term “with honors” will be inscribed on the student’s diploma and noted on the transcript and the commencement booklet. A graduate whose cumulative GPA is 3.90 or better shall be graduated with high honors. The term “with high honors” will be inscribed on the student’s diploma and noted on the transcript and the commencement booklet. Students can review their progress towards graduation anytime at DegreeWorks. All students must register for “Intent to Graduate” in order to have their records reviewed. This should be done when they register for their final 12-week session. Students wishing to appeal graduation requirements may submit a written appeal to the Academic Standing Committee. The decision of the committee is final. Upon graduation a student’s record is frozen. No changes can be made to the record.

Note: If the Registrar’s Office determines that you have met the requirements for graduation, you may not continue taking courses at LaGuardia unless you have filed a second degree, certificate or a non-degree application.

Residency Requirement

Students must successfully complete 50% of their degree, or 30 credits for an associate degree, at the College before being awarded a degree. This includes courses taken on permit. Up to

10 exemption credits may be used towards the residency requirement for associate degree programs, and up to 6 towards the residency requirement for certificate programs.

Pursuit of Additional Study After Graduation


Students who have earned a certificate and then wish to pursue a degree, and students who graduate with a degree and wish to pursue a certificate, must apply for a “Second Degree.” Information on how to apply to the college can be found in the Admissions Office or by visiting the website at Admissions/home/. Courses completed for the first credential may also be used to meet the requirements of the second credential. Students must reregister for “Intent to Graduate” in the semester in which they anticipate completing the second credential.


Students who have graduated from LaGuardia Community College and who are interested in pursuing a second degree at LaGuardia should contact the Admissions Office, C102 for information on how to apply for a second degree. Second degree students must complete LaGuardia’s residency requirements of 30 credits toward the new degree and may transfer up to 30 credits toward a degree. All second degree students will be held accountable for the completion of Internship requirements in their respective curriculum.

Policy for Awarding Posthumous Degree

This policy establishes guidelines for the process by which a degree may be awarded posthumously in the unfortunate event that a student passes away near the completion of his or her academic program. A deceased student may be considered a candidate for a posthumous degree by the college in which the student was enrolled at or prior to his or her death, and when minimum academic degree requirements have been verified. Latin honors are not awarded on posthumous degrees. Posthumous degrees may be awarded at any career level (Undergraduate, Graduate, or Professional).

General requirements for posthumous degrees:

  • The college must verify that the student is deceased, usually by obtaining a death certificate from the family

  • The student must have been enrolled in any term within one year of the degree date

  • The student must have been in good academic standing

  • The student must have had no disciplinary sanctions pending

  • The death must not have been the result of illegal behavior on the part of the student.

Requirements for specific degrees by level follow:

  • Associate degree students: A posthumous degree may be awarded to a deceased student who has met the general requirements above and who has completed a minimum of 45 credits.

  • Baccalaureate degree students: A posthumous degree may be awarded to a deceased student who has met the general requirements above and who has achieved senior standing (a minimum of 90 credits earned).

  • Graduate/Professional degree students: A graduate nominee must have substantially completed the requirements for the degree.

  • Doctoral degree students:To award a posthumous doctoral degree, the student must have been admitted to candidacy and made tangible progress toward completion of approved research.

  • The President and/or Provost may consider cases that do not meet the above criteria when extraordinary circumstances prevail

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